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Campus Radicals Defeated

Featured In Times of Israel:

Enough with the bad news. Sometimes the good guys win!

Last week Islamic radicals on Campus, successfully lobbied Facebook to pull down the Hamas on Campus Facebook Page. This new organization has succinctly made the connection between the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Hamas / The Muslim Brotherhood.

The Hamas On Campus video has being doing well on both

Facebook and YouTube. The video provides numerous examples of Jewish students being intimidated by SJP and MSA radicals on US and Canadian campuses.

On what basis was it pulled down? Facebook did not say. There was no email explaining why it was removed, nor was there a suggested method of redress. It looked like the radicals had successfully silenced one of their critics – all the more ironic when so many radical or racist Facebook pages are allowed to gain support and promote hate.

Perhaps the answer is found in this article.

Radical Islamic supporters of Hamas and the PLO are organized and do not tolerate criticism. If anyone touches a raw nerve or gets close to the truth, they will target them.

Fortunately, counter-pressure from pro-Israel supporters pushed Facebook to back down. Hamas On Campus is now back up and we should take pleasure in this small but significant victory. For once the good guys won!

So how can we continue the fight back? In the short term, its a no-brainer. Do the exact opposite of what Islamic radicals want:

1. Like the Hamas On Campus Facebook Page 2. Spread the video on both YouTube and Facebook 3. Sign up to the Hamas on Campus Website 4. Offer the Hamas on Campus team whatever support you can


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